Getting Started

ats.auth is the AiC component responsible for issuing authentication tokens. It includes:

  • a server application, that validates user credentials with the authentication backends and generates JWT tokens.
  • a client application, to test the server and issue tokens - useful for debugging purposes.

The only authentication backend currently supported is Keystone.

ats.auth requires Python 3.5 and can be installed in a virtual environment.

Authentication tokens are then decoded by a reverse proxy server that verifies the signature and injects a user header in the forwarded request.

alternate text

See also

RFC 7519: JSON Web Token (JWT)
for informations about the token structure


The program is usually deployed and configured with the ats.aic wrapper. If you really need to install it for development, you can do it in a Python 3.5 virtualenv with:

$ pyvenv-3.5 auth
$ . auth/bin/activate
(auth) $ mkdir auth/src; cd auth/src
(auth) $ git clone
(auth) $ git clone
(auth) $ git clone
(auth) $ cd ats.auth
(auth) $ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
(auth) $ ats-auth --version
ats-auth 0.8