Getting Started =============== ats.auth is the AiC component responsible for issuing authentication tokens. It includes: * a server application, that validates user credentials with the authentication backends and generates JWT tokens. * a client application, to test the server and issue tokens - useful for debugging purposes. The only authentication backend currently supported is Keystone. ats.auth requires Python 3.5 and can be installed in a virtual environment. Authentication tokens are then decoded by a reverse proxy server that verifies the signature and injects a user header in the forwarded request. .. figure:: _static/diagrams/png/TokenCreation.png :align: center :alt: alternate text :figclass: align-center .. seealso:: `RFC 7519: JSON Web Token (JWT) `_ for informations about the token structure Installation ------------ The program is usually deployed and configured with the :command:`ats.aic` wrapper. If you really need to install it for development, you can do it in a Python 3.5 virtualenv with: .. code-block:: sh $ pyvenv-3.5 auth $ . auth/bin/activate (auth) $ mkdir auth/src; cd auth/src (auth) $ git clone (auth) $ git clone (auth) $ git clone (auth) $ cd ats.auth (auth) $ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt (auth) $ ats-auth --version ats-auth 0.8