Getting Started

Kyaraben is the AiC component responsible for the orchestration of Android Virtual Machines (in short, AVM) and related container services. It includes:

  • a kyaraben-server application, to handle client requests and create orchestration tasks
  • a kyaraben-worker application, to execute orchestration tasks.
  • a kyaraben-retry application, to reschedule failed tasks.
  • a kyaraben client, to create / destroy / list AVMs, media files, applications, tests etc.

Kyaraben requires an OpenStack installation (Kilo or later) with the Keystone, Nova, Heat, Glance and Neutron services.

A Postgres database and RabbitMQ are also required to store application data and the task queues.


To configure OpenStack for AiC, see Configuring OpenStack for AiC

Kyaraben is usually deployed and configured with the ats.aic wrapper. If you really need to install it for development, you can do it in a Python 3.5 virtualenv with:

$ pyvenv-3.5 kyaraben
$ . kyaraben/bin/activate
(kyaraben) $ mkdir kyaraben/src; cd kyaraben/src
(kyaraben) $ git clone
(kyaraben) $ git clone
(kyaraben) $ git clone
(kyaraben) $ cd ats.kyaraben
(kyaraben) $ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
(kyaraben) $ kyaraben --version
kyaraben 0.8