ats.auth server =============== The server application is configured via environment variables. To print their default values: .. program-output:: ats-auth-server --write-config-defaults :prompt: You can redirect this output to a file and source it from the shell. Once the variables are set, the server can be run with :command:`ats-auth-server`:: (auth) $ ats-auth-server 2017-01-17 16:52:44,682 - - DEBUG event='Set up DBMS connection pool...' 2017-01-17 16:52:44,694 - - INFO event="Server started at ('', 8081)" All log messages are printed to standard output. You can change the log format to JSON by setting :envvar:`ATSAUTH_LOG_JSONFORMAT` = True. Other options: .. program-output:: ats-auth-server -h :prompt: The debug toolbar is useful to inspect and troubleshoot requests, it is available under the path ``/_debugtoolbar``.